Driving around Rockville, I seek out the largest bunches of daffodils planted by these wonderful souls who obvously have an affinity for the spring flowers just like I do. One thing that bothers me is seeing daffodils planted in the yard.
(I'm guilty too see don't close this blog page!!)
Tips for keeping daffodils healthy and blooming year after year:
- Cut the flower stem down low for use in arrangements in the home. Do not remove foliage.
- Cut back spent flowers and stems. Leave the foliage alone.
- Watch your daffodils for diminished blooms. This indicates a need to transplant the bulbs in the fall.
- DO NOT under any circumstance allow your husband to mow down leftover daffodil foliage after the plants finish blooming. The bulb grabs nutrients from the foliage for use in regeneration for the following year.
- Do not cut back foliage until it is completely brown. Hide it in the garden with strategically placed annuals.
Every year I kick myself for not planting more daffodils when springtime comes around. The cheerful yellow simply brings out the happiness of springtime.
Drying Bulbs
If you're holding onto your spouses arm to prevent him or her plowing down the daffodils, this requires some serious quick action. If you must remove the from a site before the foliage dies, dig the entire bulb up with the attached foliage. Place the bulbs in an empty cardboard soda box and allow to dry in a cool, dry location. Trim off the foliage after it completely browns and store in labeled paper bags until the fall.
[Image credit: Bosela, Morguefile]
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